Remote Viewing: Ein Teil der versunkenen Insel Atlantis wird wieder auftauchen. Man wird Überreste aus der alten Zeit finden. Unter Atlantis befindet sich noch ein Hohlraum. Dieser wird sich erst nach Christi Erscheinen offenbaren. Die alte Insel wird wieder bewohnt werden. Eine helle Steinmauer aus Quadern wird die Landschaft schmücken. Ein grosser Garten mit ca. 70 - 80 cm grosse Blumen werden dort wachsen. Sitzbänke aus kalkweissen Stein, ohne Lehnen sehe ich. In diesem Garten stehen auch einzelne weisse Säulen mit scharaubenförmigen Muster - grüne Ranken schlängeln sich darum. Sie sehen den griechischen Säulen sehr ähnlich. Ihre Stengel sind giftgrün und sie haben marineblaue Blüten. Das Klima ist sanft und mild und so auch die Pflanzen, die dort wieder wachsen werden. Samen aus nichtirdischem Gut wird dort angepflanzt, und es gedeihen dort uns unbekanntes Gemüse, Kräuter und Obst. Ein grosser Baum wird der Grundstein werden für eine neue Generation. Sein Stamm ist dick und fest. Verschiedene Insekten schwirren umher. Das Meer erzeugt einen merkwürdigen Klang. In der Nähe des Baumes steht eine grosse Statue, ein Denkmal. Ein Pflasterweg führt dorthin.
Download: Auszüge: Das Atlantis von Plato Atlantis - Platonbericht
Ein altes Konstrukt, das u. a. zum Niedergang Atlantis führte wird zerstört und vernichtet, stattdessen wird etwas anderes gebaut. Es stammt nicht von irdischen Kreaturen. Es ist mir nicht gegeben es jetzt kundzutun. Zu besagter Zeit werden es die Menschen die alles überlebt haben mit eigenen Auge sehen.
Die alte Insel Atlantis wurde durch "Schwarze Kristalle" (hängt mit der Energie im Bermuda-Dreieck zusammen) zerstört. Die Menschen trugen beigefarbene Kittel und einen Gürtel mit Türkisen. Sie waren dumm, unangenehm, überheblich und arrogant. Sie wussten alles besser als die anderen. Das führte zu ihrem Untergang. Die ganz alten Atlanter zerstörten übrigens Sodom und Gomorrah. Damals wurden Waffen eingesetzt, die uns schier völlig unbekannt sind. Auch die Stadt Petra war davon betroffen. Man erkennt am Gelände/Gestein, welches aussieht als wäre es unter enormer Hitze geschmolzen, dass hier aussernatürliche Waffen - für uns unbekannt, eingesetzt worden sind. Die Stadt Sodom und Gomorrah liegen unter dem heutigen Toten Meer.
Auszüge: Timaios Auszüge: Kritias Zeitzeugen Fibel zum atlantischen Reich
In Atlantis gibt es noch einen Hohlraum: Der Kraftstrahl-Riesenrubinkristall.
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis Great Crystal
One of the most detailed descriptions of the Atlantean use of a mysterious instrument called the Great Crystal was given by Edgar Cayce, who mentioned it many times. The crystal, he said was housed in a special building oval in shape, with a dome that could be rolled back, exposing the Crystal to the light of the sun, moon and stars at the most favorable time. The interior of the building was lined with non-conducting metal or stone, similar to asbestos or bakelite, a thermosetting plastic. The Crystal itself, the Tuaoi Stone, or Firestone, was huge in size, cylindrical in length, and prismatic in shape, cut with six sides. Atop the crystal was a moveable capstone, used to both concentrate incoming rays of energy, and to direct currents to various parts of the Atlantean countryside. It appears that the Crystal gathered solar, lunar, stellar, atmospheric and Earth energies as well as unknown elemental forces and concentrated these at a specific point, located between the top of the Crystal and the bottom of the capstone.
The energy was used for various purposes. In the beginning it was used as purely a spiritual tool by initiates who could handle the great energy. The early Atlanteans were peaceful people. As they developed more physical material bodies, they used the crystal to rejuvenate their bodies and were able to live hundreds of years while maintaining a youthful appearance.
Later the Great Crystal was put to other uses. Currents of energy were transmitted throughout the land, like radio waves, and powered by these, crafts and vehicles traversed the land, through the sky and under the sea at the speed of sound. By utilization of other currents originating from the Great Crystal, the Atlanteans were also able to transmit over great distances the human voice, and pictures, like modern television. In the same manner, even heat and light could be directed to specific buildings or open arenas, giving illumination and warmth by seemingly invisible means. In this timeline, in the Bermuda Triangle, on the ocean bottom where the ruins of Atlantis now exist, the energy build-up in the sunken and damaged Fire Crystals can periodically trigger materialization of anything.
Buch-Tip: Erinnerungen an Atlantis von Edgar Cayce. Eines der besten Werke mit sehr kompetenten Aussagen über die versunkene Insel Atlantis und Lemuria.
Von Roland M. Horn, ISBN 3-89094-317-9, 152 Seiten, Softcover, Format DIN-A5, 1. Auflage, 19,95 , Bohmeier
Edgar Cayce On Atlantis & The Sphinx
"It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the activities of individuals were preserved -- the one in the Atlantean land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan land, where the temple there is overshadowing same". (2012-1; Sep 25, 1939)
"...the entity joined with those who were active in putting the records in forms that were partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian, and part in the newer form of the Atlanteans. These may be found, especially when the house or tomb of records is opened, in a few years from now". (2537-1; Jul17, 1941)
...[the entity] was among the first to set the records that are yet to be discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of data that is yet to be found from the chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records". (3575-2; Jan 20, 1944)
"Q: Give in detail what the sealed room contains. A: A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again. In position, this lies -- as the sun rises from the waters -- as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then [it lies] between the Sphinx and the river". (378-16; Oct 29, 1933)
In several of his readings, Cayce stated that the survivors of the lost continent of Atlantis had brought with them records relating to their earliest history. These, he said, were carefully buried in a secret chamber somewhere near to the Great Sphinx, which stands guard like a sentinel over the Pyramids of Giza. A second set of these records was taken, he said, by other survivors of the disaster to be buried somewhere in the Yucatan area of Mexico. He also said that a third set of records still resides in the heart of Atlantis itself.
The Complete Plato von Plato
Buch-Tip: Gemeinfreie Bücher in englischer Sprache:
Plato (428/427348/347 BCE) was a Greek philosopher and mathematician of the Classic Age who founded the Academy of Athens. Noted as a student of Socrates, Plato has distinguished himself as one of the founders of Western philosophy by recording the teachings of his master and his own philosophies in 35 dialogues and 13 letters (some are disputed as spurious). However, this collection features only 25 authentic works from the reproduced source. Benjamin Jowett
Download: eBook (In EPUB, auch verfügbar für Kindle oder in PDF)
"Atlantis Anomaly" Causes Shutdown Of US Army Weapons Base
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A Russian Space Forces (VKS) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that one of their Kosmos-2469 satellites currently in orbit over North America has detected a gamma ray burst of unprecedented proportions emanating from the United States Armys main weapons base Dugway Proving Ground located in their State of Utah.
According to this report, since the formation of what is described as a magnetic vortex began appearing in the Gulf of Aden (see our December 1, 2010 report Mysterious Vortex Warned Is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe) a growing number of gamma ray bursts emanating from beneath our Earth and its seas, and directed towards the Sirius star system [Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky], have been detected and have given rise to the belief of many Russian scientists that they belong to an ancient early warning system of some type.
One of the largest of these gamma ray bursts was detected coming from the seas off the Florida coast in an area long believed to have once been a part of the Lost Continent of Atlantis described by the classical Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato (428-347BC) as being a naval power lying in front of the Pillars of Hercules that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC.
Unlike other locations around our Earth where these gamma ray bursts have been detected, however, the anomaly generating them off the Florida coast was in relatively shallow waters estimated at no more than 500 meters under the sea, and which this past week the United States Navy began one of their largest operations ever to recover.
Now according to this report, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an unprecedented warning to all pilots flying over this area [see map 3rd photo left] that between the dates of January 20 and February 22 their Department of Defense (DOD) would be conducting tests leaving the Global Positioning System (GPS) unreliable or unavailable while this recovery operation was underway.
The VKS in their report states that this DOD operation was, in fact, to remove from the pyramid shaped structure discovered off the coast of Florida a capstone believed to be one of the sources of these mysterious gamma ray bursts and remove it to the US Armys Dugway Proving Ground located about 149 km (85 miles) southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah for further testing.
Once this mysterious capstone was secured at Dugway Proving Ground yesterday, however, and presumably tests on it had begun, the Kosmos-2469 detected a massive series of gamma ray bursts emanating from that location and news reports from the United States stated that the bases commander, Colonel William E. King, locked down his whole facility stating that they were trying to resolve a serious concern.
According to the official US government website about this base [photo bottom left] we can read:
The Department of Defense has designated Dugway Proving Ground as a major range and testing facility, and the primary chemical and biological defense testing center under the Reliance Program. The Proving Ground covers 798,214 acres. It is located in the Great Salt Lake Desert, approximately 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. Surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges, the Proving Ground's terrain varies from level salt flats to scattered sand dunes and rugged mountains.
Independent American researchers, however, say this about Dugway Proving Ground:
its huge size and remote isolation serves many more secret purposes than that and its general area also serves as a site for US Air Force flight tests. It has also been alleged to have housed recovered UFOs in the past and UFO activity is very frequent in this area. It has been alleged that much of the Area 51 secrets have been relocated to this area and that combined with all the UFO activity has caused it to be referred to as Area 52 and it has become infamous for that.
In November, 2009 what has been alleged to be a "meteor" (UFO?) lighting up the night sky exploded in the atmosphere and scientists tracking its trajectory determined that the pieces fell in the Dugway Proving Ground area, so it got a little publicity as some wished to get access to the debris area. Part of that publicity is that the area is not just closed to civilians, even Army personnel are denied access to large areas because they are deemed too dangerous.
One of Americas top independent researchers named Steve Quayle, also, has written about this mysterious Atlantis Anomaly, and as we can read from his January 23rd report titled The Anomaly in the Atlantic" Bermuda Triangle Strangeness, Ancient Gate Opening, or Atlantis Rising?, and which, in part, says:
On Friday 1/22 they came back up in a flurry with many units trying to establish communications with Puerto Rico and discussions were heard about an "anomaly" that was causing great difficulty with communications that was not due to normal propogation problems. The units which seemed to be in the Atlantic off Florida and in the Carribean were having to change frequencies multiple times in working with Puerto Rico Comm Station in order to get decent copy of messages. These were not normal reach flights but were coded units anxious to get their reports into the Comm Station. Later Friday evening, "the anomaly" was detected by the HAM operator.
Initially, it was described as an amplitude modulated signal of extreme power of many megawatts. It was constant and not pulsed and was in the VLF range. It showed up on the Spectrum analyzer and also on lightning detection equipment which use the VLF for detection and mapping of lightning which are normally used by pilots. The problem was that there were no storms in that area. The location of "the anomaly" was also actually further off the coast of Florida than the location given for the center of the circle for "GPS tests ?" and closer to the Bermuda Triangle area.
Specifically, it was stated that it exhibited a repeating pattern that was very strange, and unlike any the HAM had ever heard. It was not a "whistler" or lightning or any other geophysical signal that the Ham had ever heard in over 40 years of experience, though it was said is NOT MAN MADE AND IT IS CAUSING MAJOR PROBLEMS. It did show up on the lightning detection maps but to repeat no storms were present.
On Saturday 1/22 "the anomaly" remainded in place and seemed to be slowly growing in strength. Also, another "anomaly" of the same signal was detected north of the original by hundreds of miles and on closer resolution each of these separate "anomalies" was two distinct sources very close to each other on the map. Saturday there was still no storm present in those areas.
As we stated in our last report, Millions Of Chinese Stunned After Government Makes Obama UFO Statement, and in our reports Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet, Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths, Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport and Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth, the complexity of the dire issues now confronting our Earth are too voluminous for the average person to gain immediate knowledge of as it takes decades, and in some cases centuries, to decipher, decode and fully understand the grave nature of the warnings passed down to us today from our ancient ancestors about what is happening now, and will happen in the future.
To believing that your leaders will tell you the truth about what is really happening as more Superstorms continue hitting our planet is not only beyond foolish, it is dangerous. Even this past week, one of Americas top weather experts, Joe Bastardi of the State College of Pennsylvanias Accueweather.Com, was forced to admit that grave condition of our Worlds weather was not only unprecedented, but no one (in authority at least) was able to say what was causing it. (Watch his video report HERE)
In these times we live in, it is, perhaps, best for one to do what these so called leaders are doing for themselves, instead of listening to what they say, and include such examples as: The Chinese government building what is described as an underground "Great Wall" that stretches for more than 5,000 km in the Hebei region of their country; The United States government ordering hundreds of millions of blankets, body bags and survival food; The Russian government ordering 5,000 additional bomb shelters to be built by 2012; and the building in Norway of what is called the Doomsday Seed Vault where all of the seeds and plant DNA of our entire Earth are now being stored.
Now if our ancient ancestors are to be believed from the thousands of myths and legends handed down to us through the ages, than what is happening to our Earth (and this is what they said, not us) is that in the "End of Days" our planet would "cry out unto the heavens to the "gods" who would then descend upon the Earth to save a remnant of humanity and "restore what will soon be destroyed". And when these ancient myths and legends are combined with the technical knowledge we have today, it begins to appear that whomever, or whatever, these "gods" were, and when they left our planet after the last overturning, they set up a system monitoring our Earth that when the End of Days" would come again so would they.
Vor einigen Jahren startete Robert Sarmas eine Atlantis-Expedition in der Nähe von Limassol bei Zypern. Man fand auf dem Meeresgrund merkwürdige Bodenerhebungen, 90°-Winkel und Vierecke im Boden. Als man eine Sonde, die mit einem Schiff verbunden war, ins Meer hinuntergleiten liess, VERKNOTETE sich das 1600 m lange "gespannte" Stahlseil genau in der Mitte! Die Sonde konnte wegen diesem Knoten nicht ganz heraufgezogen werden, weil der Anker im Weg stand und so musste man eine andere Lösung finden. Der Kapitän sagte, er hätte so etwas noch nie gesehen und wäre technisch auch nicht möglich. Schlussendlich gelang es nach widrigsten Umständen die Bodendaten festzuhalten. Genau in diesem Moment, als man diese Daten auswerten wollte, fiel auf dem gesamten Schiff der Strom aus. Von der Stelle mit der seltsamen Ausbuchtung im Boden fehlte der komplette Datensatz.
DVD: Alte Geheimnisse, Atlantis, Neue Enthüllungen
Download:Bericht Limassol/Zypern
Toth, der Atlanter
Die Smaragdtafeln des Toth Kybalion (Word) oder Kybalion (pdf) Wer war Hermes Trimegistos oder Toth der 3mal Grosse?
Zwanzigtausend Meilen unterm Meer von Jules Verne
Buch-Tip: Gemeinfreie Bücher in deutscher Sprache:
Der Roman ist vorgeblich ein Erlebnisbericht des französischen Professors Pierre Aronnax, Autor eines Werkes über "Die Geheimnisse der Meerestiefen". In den Jahren 1866 und 1867 häufen sich auf allen Weltmeeren rätselhafte Schiffsunglücke. Die Presse spekuliert, ein bislang unbekanntes Seeungeheuer oder aber ein "Unterwasserfahrzeug mit ausserordentlicher mechanischer Kraft" habe die Schiffe zum Kentern gebracht, Aronnax vermutet einen gigantischen Narwal
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