10.12.2009 - 14:21 Uhr
Oslo/ Norwegen - Tausende Bewohner der nördlichen Regionen Norwegens und Finnlands wurden während des morgendlichen Berufsverkehrs am 9. November 2009 Zeugen eines gigantischen und ebenso wundersam anzuschauenden Phänomens am noch dunklen Himmel. Angeführt von einem blauen Licht bildete sich eine gewaltige leuchtende Spirale über der Region. Während sich Spekulationen über die ursache und Herkunft der Erscheinung derzeit überschlagen, deutet vieles auf einen russischen Raketentest hin.
Wie norwegischen Medien, darunter die Tageszeitung "Altaposten.no" berichten, begann laut den zahlreichen Zeugenbeschreibungen alles gegen 7:45 Uhr mit einem bauen Licht, welches hinter einer Gebirgskette aufstieg, plötzlich am Himmel stehen blieb und zu kreisen begann. Nach nur wenigen Sekunden bedeckte eine gewaltige leuchtende Spirale einen Grossteil des Himmels, aus deren Zentrum dann ein grünlicher Strahl für mehrere Minuten gen Boden pulsierte. Beendet wurde das Himmelsschauspiel, als sich um Zentrum der Spirale ein dunkles Loch öffnete und die Spirale regelrecht in sich zusammenfiel.
Hunderte besorgter Bürger meldeten die Beobachtung dem Norwegischen Meteorologischen Institut. Hier erklärte man gegenüber den Medien, dass das Phänomen nichts mit Polarlichtern zu tun habe. Sodann vermuteten einige Beobachter, dass es sich vielleicht um Hinterlassenschaften eines russischen Raketenstarts handeln könnte.
Auch die norwegische Luftaufsicht äusserte sich mittlerweile zu dem Vorfall und gab an, dass die Erscheinung länger als zwei Minuten angedauert habe - zu lange, als dass es sich um ein astronomisches Phänomen gehandelt haben könnte. Auch hier geht man davon aus, dass ein Raketentest für das Himmelsspektakel verantwortlich sein könnte. Eine Rakete sei möglicherweise ausser Kontrolle geraten und explodiert. Die Spirale sei das Ergebnis von erstem Sonnenlicht, welches von dem austretenden Treibstoff reflektiert worden sei.
Gegenüber den Medien erklärte auch das Norwegische Verteidigungsministerium, dass man keine Kenntnis darüber habe, um was es sich bei der Erscheinung gehandelt habe. Allerdings vermute man auch, dass ein russischer Raketentest das Schauspiel an den Himmel gezaubert habe. Es sei nicht ungewöhnlich, dass Russland über dem Weissen Meer und der Barentssee Raketen teste.
Aus Moskau wurde diese Erklärung jedoch mittlerweile dementiert da es zur fraglichen Zeit keine Raketenstarts oder -tests gegeben habe, die das Phänomen erklären könnten. Hinzu sei es üblich, Norwegen über entsprechende Starts vorab zu informieren. Eine offizielle Stellungnahme des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums lag allerdings bis zum Redaktionsschluss dieser Meldung noch nicht vor.
In russischen Online-Foren ist hingegen derweil eine Information aufgetaucht, wonach es von russischer Seite für den konkreten Zeitraum Pläne für den Test einer sogenannten Bulawa-Rakete gegeben habe. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine u-Boot-gestützte ballistische Interkontinentalrakete russischer Produktion. Die Gerüchte berufen sich auf eine Meldung des Sicherheits- und Wetterinformationsdienstes für die Seefahrt NAVTEX, wonach es einen Warnhinweis für einen Raketentest im südlichen Teil des Weissen Meeres für die Tage vom 6. bis 9. Dezember zwischen 2:00 und 9:00 Uhr morgens gegeben haben sollte. Auch dies konnte bis zum Redaktionsschluss dieser Meldung noch nicht eindeutig bestätigt werden.
Tatsächlich sind Raketentests durchaus dafür bekannt, vergleichbare oder zumindest Himmelserscheinungen erzeugen zu können, wie dies zahlreiche Videos belegen, deren Entstehungszeit mit Raketenstarts in Verbindung gebracht werden konnten.
Quelle: Paranormal
Verschiedene Phasen des Objektes
(Foto: Norwegen, Oslo)
(Foto: Norwegen, Oslo)
Russischer Raketentest löste Lichtblitz über Norwegen aus
In Russland ist der Test einer Interkontinentalrakete mit Mehrfachsprengköpfen erneut fehlgeschlagen. Die auf eine Reichweite von 8.000 Kilometern ausgelegte Rakete vom Typ Bulawa explodierte in der Luft, nachdem sie von einem U-Boot im Weissen Meer abgefeuert worden war. Das könne einen mysteriösen Lichtblitz über Norwegen erklären, hiess es in den Zeitungen "Kommersant" und "Wedomosti" gestern unter Berufung auf Verteidigungskreise.
Quelle: ORF
Attack On Gods Heaven" Lights Up Norwegian Sky
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Numerous reports from the United States and Europe are providing firm evidence that, for the first time in our present age, mankind has made a successful "attack" upon the dimensions" of the ancient gods in our human races" age old attempt to break free from the stranglehold" many believe these beings have upon our Earth. The numerous scientific technicalities underlying this attack are much too complex to review in a report such as this but, can basically be outlined as follows:
On Tuesday evening, December 8th, CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located in Switzerland, "smashed together subatomic particles at the highest energies ever reached by a human-made accelerator" which were then quantumly" transferred to the massive Partial Reflection Medium-Frequency (MF) Atmospheric Radar Facility located in Ramfjordmoen, Norway, operated by European Incoherent Scatter Facility (EISCAT) radar and ionospheric heating scientists who, in turn, work under the supervision of the American High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) that many call one the largest weapons of mass destruction" ever constructed.
Now upon this quantumly" transferred high-energy beam being received in Ramfjordmoen, it was then pulsed" vertically into the upper atmosphere above Norway at 2.43 MHz by their MF Radar antennas which resulted in a spiral" light display [photo top left] described by Britain"s Daily Mail News Service as:
"A blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre - lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely. Onlookers describing it as 'like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it' and 'a shooting star that spun around and around'."
Important to note is that this was not the first attempt to attack" the heavens of the gods", but the second. For on November 2nd, and in a prelude to their receiving the high-energy beam from CERN, the scientists at Ramfjordmoen fired their MF Radar into the upper atmosphere resulting in a partial spiral" light display [photo 2nd left] described by Catelijne Brokke, a bus driver in Hammerfest, Norway, as: It was big as a full moon, and became larger and larger as a kind of explosion. I've never seen anything like that before.
Equally important to note of these events is its predicating crop circle component photo 3rd left] that appeared in Portchester, Hampshire (UK) on June 11, 2004, providing to these scientists the exact dimensions and frequency needed for their high-energy atmospheric attack spiral" to succeed in puncturing" the dimension of the gods".
Most unfortunately, however, of these events is their greatest, and truest, significance being kept from the very people this attack" will be affecting, who, even as these words are being written, are being steered by their propaganda media organs to believe the absurd lie that this spiral" was caused by a failed Russian missile launch, and which would be one of the most incredible feats ever preformed by an errant missile as for that to have happened the laws of aerodynamics would be completely overturned.
To a human races" long being separated from their most ancient myths and legends, the lies of their masters will, as always, hold more sway than the simplest of truths as these peoples are taught since birth to accept the "authority" of what they are told by their propaganda media, even when it means, as in an event like this that couldn"t be hidden from the masses, they have to suspend their logic and forget what they even saw with their own eyes.
And what makes the true significance of this event even more compelling is that it was, indeed, predicted by the ancients to happen, and as written about by the Sorcha Faal in her 2006 book "Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors", and wherein she detailed the Norse Prophecies warning that after this attack on heaven" occurs "the forces of chaos will outnumber and overcome the divine and human guardians of order. Loki and his monstrous children will burst their bonds; the dead will sail from Niflheim to attack the living."
The WARNINGS given to humanity by the ancient Norse (people of the North) in regards to attacks" by man upon the heavens", such as was just accomplished in Norway, should not be likely taken, especially when viewed in the light our human races" last attempt to usurp the gods" that led to our present separation from our own Earth, and more importantly, each other.
For in the ancient story of The Tower of Babel (as it is most commonly known to those of the Christian faith) we can read, from all around the World, the tragic consequences of our last age attempt to attack" heaven
From the Book of Genesis: "And the lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the lord scattered them abroad from hence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from hence did the lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth."
From the ancient Greeks: "When all men were of one language, some of them built a high tower as if they would thereby ascend up to heaven, but the Gods sent storms of wind and overthrew the tower and gave everyone his peculiar language and for this reason it was that the city was called Babylon"
From the ancient Sumerians: "Then Enki, the Lord of abundance, (whose commands are trustworthy) the lord of wisdom, who understands the land; the leader of the Gods, endowed with wisdom, the Lord of Eridu changed the speech in their mouths, contention into it, into the speech of man that (until now) had been one."
From the ancient Mayans: "And as men were thereafter multiplying they constructed a very high and strong Zacualli (a very high tower) in order to protect themselves when again the second world should be destroyed. At the crucial moment their languages were changed, and as they did not understand one another, they went to different parts of the world."
From the ancient Polynesians: "But the God in anger chased the builders away, broke down the building and changed their language, so that they spoke diverse tongues."
From the North American Crow Indians: "Then little Coyote did something bad. He suggested to Old Man that he give the people different languages so they would misunderstand each other and use their weapons in wars Old Man did what little Coyote said and the people had different languages and made war on each other."
To believe that the Tower of Babel was a structure built by a people seriously intending for it to reach the sky so that they could ascend into the heavens is beyond absurd, especially when viewed in the light of these ancient Babylonians being surround by mountains they could more easily climb to reach" the sky.
But, to the Tower of Babel being a weapon constructed by human beings in a war against these gods", and like the ancient myths of our Earth all say it was, that is the truest of reasons to understand a fear so great these same gods" would nearly destroy all humanity to protect themselves against.
So, and once again, our human race has had it decided for them that a war against these gods" is to be our fate. Let us hope that this time around we fare better than our ancient ancestors did, our oldest myths and legends, however, suggest otherwise.
Nicht nur fast ganz Europa leidet unter einer Kältewelle und Neuschneemassen. In China wird durch die anhaltende Rekordkälte langsam die Energie knapp. Die Behörden verordneten Rationierungen. Industriebetriebe mussten Einschränkungen hinnehmen, die Bevölkerung wurde aufgefordert, den Verbrauch zu begrenzen. Sogar in der gewöhnlich bevorzugt versorgten Hauptstadt Peking wurden die Heiztemperaturen in öffentlichen Gebäuden gesenkt. Einige Kohlekraftwerke haben nur noch Vorräte für wenige Tage - und ein Ende der Kältewelle ist nicht in Sicht.
Die Kälte- und Schneewelle im Norden Grossbritanniens hat nun auch London und Südengland erreicht. In einigen Teilen fielen dort am Mittwoch bis zu 30 Zentimeter Neuschnee. Auf Strassen, Schienen und im Luftverkehr herrschte Chaos, Tausende Schulen wurden geschlossen und mehrere Sportveranstaltungen abgesagt. Der Wetterdienst sprach vom bittersten Winter seit fast 30 Jahren. Von den Schneestürmen waren fast alle Flughäfen des Landes betroffen. Mehrere Airports, darunter auch Gatwick, Luton und Stansted bei London, stellten ihren Betrieb ein, auf den anderen gab es Verspätungen und Annullierungen. Auch zahlreiche Züge wurden gestrichen oder fuhren mit erheblicher Verspätung. Eine ähnlich langanhaltende Kälte- und Schneewelle hatte es in Grossbritannien zuletzt 1981 gegeben.
Regierungschef Berisha appellierte an die Einwohner im nördlichen Distrikt von Shkodra, die zum Teil schon drei Tage auf den Dächern ihrer Häuser ausgeharrt hatten, die Krisenregion zu verlassen. Die Armee des Landes werde einen Evakuierungsplan ausarbeiten, kündigte Berisha an. Fast der gesamte Nordwesten Albaniens steht rund 40 Zentimeter unter Wasser. 3.800 Hektar Ackerfläche sind überschwemmt. Besonders kritisch ist die Lage in der Gemeinde Nendajc, wo 460 Familien ihre Häuser nicht verlassen wollen.
Zahlreiche Schulen und Flughäfen mussten vorübergehend schliessen. Auch für die nächsten Tage werden weitere Niederschläge erwartet.
Schnee und Eis machten ebenfalls den Menschen im Westen Frankreichs zu schaffen. Betroffen waren 14 Departements, unter anderem in der Normandie. Nach Angaben des Senders France-Info durften in einigen Regionen weder Lastwagen noch Schulbusse fahren. Die Bretagne ist zudem von Stromausfällen bedroht.
Die Kältefront lässt auch die Italiener zittern. In Ravenna wurde ein im Schnee steckengebliebenes Auto von einem Zug überrollt. Andernorts in Nord- und Mittelitalien führten starke Regenfälle zu Überschwemmungen. Mehrere Häuser in der Provinz von Livorno wurden sicherheitshalber evakuiert.
Für den Grossraum Graz und die südliche Steiermark erwarten Meteorologen in den nächsten Tagen aussergewöhnlich starke Schneefälle: Bis Sonntagabend werden zwischen 40 und 80 cm Neuschnee erwartet.
4.1.2010, Überschwemmungen in Australien
Der Südosten Australiens hat unter heftigen Wetterkapriolen zu leiden. Nach langer Dürre sorgen nun starke Niederschläge für Hochwasser von Flüssen wie Castlereagh und grossflächige Überschwemmungen. Einige Ortschaften darunter Coonamble im Bundesstaat New South Wales sind vollständig von der Aussenwelt abgeschnitten. Hunderte von Menschen mussten ihre Heimat verlassen und in sicheren Regionen Schutz suchen. Über mögliche Opfer wurde zunächst nichts bekannt. Meteorologen hatten in dem am schlimmsten betroffenen Gebiet rund 530 Kilometer nordwestlich der Metropole Sydney in den letzten Tagen die schlimmsten Regenfälle der letzten 100 Jahre registriert. Quelle: Scinexx
6.1.2010, Unwetter in Brasilien
Nach den heftigen Regenfällen in Brasilien hat ein Fluss im Süden des Landes eine Brücke fortgerissen.. Quelle: Yahoo
6.1.2010, Über 30 Tote bei Überschwemmungen in Kenia
Lang anhaltende Niederschläge haben in den letzten Tagen in Teilen Kenias grossflächige Überschwemmungen ausgelöst. Eine Besserung der Lage ist nicht in Sicht. Meteorologen kündigten für die nächsten Tage weitere Regenfälle an. Quelle: Scinexx
7.1.2010, Minusrekorde und Frost in Florida
Den wärmeverwöhnten Menschen im US-Bundesstaat Florida machten bereits Temperaturen um den Nullpunkt zu schaffen. Die Zitrus- und Gemüseernte sei in Gefahr. Im Süden Floridas herrschen in dieser Jahreszeit sonst Temperaturen zwischen 15 und 20 Grad. Quelle: n-tv
Leaked Cable Reveals Obama Sent To 2012 ALICE Bunker Due To Norway Spiral
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) on the thousands of secret documents belonging to the United States leaked by the European whistleblower site WikiLeaks says that President Obama and US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates were put into what the Americans call their 2012 ALICE Bunker last December (2009) after the mysterious appearance of what has become known as the Norway Spiral.
The Norway Spiral [3rd photo on left] referenced in this leaked cable we previously reported on in our December 10, 2009 report Attack On Gods Heaven Lights Up Norwegian Sky wherein we noted this mysterious event being linked to both the Americans High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), both of whom were conducting tests at the time.
In our January 6, 2010 report Norway Time Hole Leak Plunges Northern Hemisphere Into Chaos we also reported on the catastrophic weather events said associated with the Norway Spiral too, which (coincidentally?) the entire Northern Hemisphere, almost exactly a year later, is suffering today under the brutal onslaught of Arctic systems plunging southward towards the Equator leaving tens of millions in the US, UK, Europe and Asia freezing in bitter cold and unprecedented snowfalls.
Note: The following paragraph contains a link where you can view this leaked US cable for yourself, but be warned, the American government has ordered all of its employees and contractors not to view these cables without their first having the proper security clearance.
Now according to this report, the US Embassy in Oslo, Norway, sent a Top Secret cable to USNORTHCOM stating the following:
(S) RNoAF response to HAARP/CERN spiral anomaly was limited to 175 km. with testing parameters met within 3degrees of arc access.
(S) Post recommends activation of 2012 Project ALICE Bunker for POTUS/SECDEF
This GRU report further explains the numerous terms used in the cable, to include:
The subject identifier NORWAY: CI/KR RESPONSE FOR USNORTHCOM means this cable is a Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CI/KR) report from the US Embassy in Oslo to the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM).
The cables classification of TOP SECRET describes a term authorized for use by President Obamas Executive Order 13526 that the information it contains means the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
The line stating NODIS USNORTHCOM Maj. Gen. Thompson refers to the mode of transmission used to send this cable, in this case NASAs Online Directives Information System (NODIS) and its USNORTHCOM recipient.
The line stating NSPD 51/HSPD-20: DECL: 03/20/2019 TAG EXDIS, ROGER, DOCKLAMP refers to authority this cable was sent under, which in this case was US National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD 51) and the US Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-20). The terms EXDIS, ROGER, DOCKLAMP refer to other authorized channels this cable could be sent through.
The reference to RNoAF is the Royal Norwegian Air Force.
Not contained in this report is an explanation as to the meaning of the language spiral anomaly was limited to 175 km. with testing parameters met within 3degrees of arc access, but this mysterious anomalies association with both HAARP and CERN is, however, clearly noted.
Most important to note about this cable though is the line stating Post recommends activation of 2012 Project ALICE Bunker for POTUS/SECDEF, which this reports says means the President of the United States (POTUS) and Secretary of Defense (SECDEF).
As to what 2012 Project ALICE Bunker is referring to in the cable this report, also, does not comment on.
What can be inferred from this language, though, is that whatever occurred over Norway on December 8th of last year caused such a state of alarm within the US Military establishment they advised their President and Secretary of Defense to take shelter in a previously unidentified bunker. It is, also, curious to note that nearly immediately after this event the American White House began what is described as a massive, and secret, construction project that according to one US news source has left visitors facing a maze of fences.
Most ominous of all about this cable is its reference to the year 2012, especially in its coupling with a bunker intended for use by Americas top political and military officials and in light of the many ancient prophecies associated with it.
Above all else, what this cable clearly shows, and undoubtedly the hundreds of thousands more yet to be released, is that Americas leadership class is failing to keep it citizens informed as to either the true state of the World they live in, and the growing dangers they will all soon face.
Erdmännchen unter dem Heizstrahler, ein Zug im Iglu
Wetterchaos auf der ganzen Welt
Kroatien: Schwere Überschwemmungen.
Polen: Starker Schneefall. In Schlesien fiel für 14.000 Menschen der Strom aus.
Mallorca: Starker Schneefall.
Ibica: Starker Regen.
Spanien: Galicien im Nordwesten Spaniens erlebte die schwersten Schneefälle in 25 Jahren.
Bulgarien: Frühlingshaft war es derweil in Bulgarien. Dort wurden am Samstag bis zu 20,1 Grad gemessen.
Tennessee, Alabama: Einige Menschen erfroren in ihren ungeheizten vier Wänden. Obdachlosenheime nach Angaben von Behördensprechern "zum Bersten voll".
Quelle: Kleine Zeitung
Quelle: Standard
Norway Time Hole Leak Plunges Northern Hemisphere Into Chaos
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian scientists are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that the high-energy beam [photo top left] fired into the upper heavens from the United States High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HHARP) radar facility in Ramfjordmoen, Norway this past month has resulted in a catastrophic puncturing of our Plants thermosphere thus allowing into the troposphere an "unimpeded thermal inversion" of the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere.
To the Wests firing of this quantum high-energy beam we had previously reported on in our December 10, 2009 report titled "Attack On Gods Heaven Lights Up Norwegian Sky".
To how catastrophic for our Planet this massive thermal inversion has been Anthony Nunan, an assistant general manager for risk management at Mitsubishi Corporation in Tokyo, is reporting today that the entire Northern Hemisphere is in winter chaos, with the greatest danger from this unprecedented Global event being the destruction of billions of dollars worth of crops in a World already nearing the end of its ability to feed its self.
So powerful has this thermal inversion become that reports from the United States are stating that their critical crops of strawberries, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables grown in their Southern States, are being destroyed by record cold temperatures. The US is further reporting record amounts of snowfall in what they are now warning may be their worst winter in 25 years.
Reports from the United Kingdom today are, likewise, showing a Nation in chaos as brutal cold temperatures continue to batter the British people suffering under the worst snow blizzards to hit them in almost 50 years. So dire has it become in the UK that their National Grid yesterday issued only its second warning in its entire history stating that their Nations gas supply was running out due to this unprecedented event.
Not just to the UK, but also to the entire European Union has this thermal inversion been affecting as reports from that region show continued chaos is occurring due to plunging temperatures and snows. In the UK, also, reports are showing that the military has been called out to rescue over 1,000 stranded vehicles.
Though the Motherland, and its people, are some of the best equipped in the World to handle such severe winter conditions, the Russian island of Sakhalin was inundated this past week by a rare Snow Cyclone setting off no less than avalanches.
But to the worst affected region of the Northern Hemisphere no one has been hit harder than China, where in what is being described as a "soul-destroying snowstorm" this Asian Nation has been plunged into such havoc the entire country has been brought to a standstill. China further reports that the massive snowstorms hitting them are their worst in 60 years and necessitating their military forces to save over 1,400 people trapped when their train became covered in snow. So overwhelmed by this unprecedented event has China become that they have ordered all of their citizens to help with snow removal too.
South Korea has not been spared either as reports from that Nation are reporting their worst snow storms in their modern history of recording these events.
Reports from Japan are also reporting record snowfall in their Northern Regions, where according to one unnamed Kushiro resident, "Snow falls hard here in Kushiro, but this is the most I have ever seen. The snow's piling up and we're running out of places to dump it."
Canada, another Nation used to extreme winter events, reports that the storm that had hit their maritime provinces this past week was so powerful buildings were knocked off of their foundations in what one resident, Tom Jardine, described as being "worse than a hurricane".
To the long-term consequences of this thermal inversion caused by the West, these reports further warn that by the puncturing of our atmosphere by the HAARP radars our Planet has, also, been "needlessly exposed" to the growing threat posed to us by the giant mysterious object currently approaching us (named by NASA as G1.9) which we had previously reported on in our January 3rd report titled "Russia Prepares For Asteroid Strike As New Comet Nears Sun", and which has been blamed for the rapid shifting of our Earths North Pole that was first documented in 2005.
But to the most critical aspect of these events it surely lies with the Western Worlds continued arrogance in regards to experimenting on both our Planets natural species and human beings, and though who may think that they are gods, are continuing to give evidence that they are acting more like devils.